Local Pick-Up
Our shipping facility at 4301 Johnston Street in Lafayette, LA offers local pick-up as a courtesy to our local customers. When you place an order, you can select local pick-up as an option at checkout. After we make your order, you will receive an email or text (depending upon which YOU give us at order) from us to inform you that your order is ready. Once you receive this, you may come to our location to pick it up during our Pick-Up hours. If you need to arrange for pickup outside of our standard hours, simply call or email us, and we'll do our best to accommodate your request.
Our hours for local pickup are Monday thru Friday 10AM - 2PM. Closed Sat and Sun. Please call or email us to arrange for pickup outside of these hours.
When you arrive at our location, please park in a parking space (Please do NOT park next to the building; please park in a yellow-outlined parking space), and then TEXT your:
Order #
to 337-366-5066
We will bring your order to you!